Children Will Grow Into Young Adults With Christian Knowledge

June 1, 2020 0 Comments

bible kjv

Children Will Grow Into Young Adults With Christian Knowledge

It is truly amazing how much more a little child has learned from listening to Bible KJV parents read to their children. It is so amazing that a child will be reading an English translation of the holy book of God and they will make sense of it.

The Bible KJV parents are so involved in their children’s lives that they hold a weekly Bible study with them as a form of “guidance” that can help their children to grow spiritually and learn about life. It is very interesting to me that the adult reader of the Bible, after hearing a child reading it, thinks it is the same thing that the children are learning.

The children who join the weekly Bible study group for Bible KJV parents are learning the value of family, love and friendship and how to make their own choices, as opposed to what their parents are doing. They are taking in an additional lesson that God designed their lives to do.

As parents of kids who were raised in the Bible in the KJV language, we need to be proud of our kids. We are the leaders in teaching them the Bible in the language of the people who wrote it and wrote about it, like we were doing for them. They will grow up to be leaders of their own lives.

Our children will go on to help spread the KJV message to those who have not yet become believers in Christ. They will have their own ministries that will promote this message. It may take some time and effort on our part to make sure that we let our children know what the Bible means and how it is true, but we must keep the faith in our hearts to believe that Jesus Christ is our only Savior.

Let us encourage them to read the Bible. Do not limit their exposure to it. Let them read everything and think about everything that they learn from the Bible.

We need to remind our children of the power of the Bible to transform them and grow them into believers. In order to bring out the best in them, we must let them know and feel what they are experiencing.

It is our responsibility to equip our children to become children of God. We must read them the Bible in English. Let them grow into young adults who walk with Christ.