This year will see the publication of a new Bible Study Manual, entitled KJV Study Companion. Like all other KJV Bible study books, it will have covers with different themes. One cover is that of King James Version, another has it as the New American Standard Bible. They all have distinctive cover pictures.
Now that you know what the cover picture of each Bible is, which one should you get? The KJV Study Companion is a very nice looking book. It has an attractive cover with a red border around the page edges. It has a color picture of a man standing behind a pillar reading the New Testament and it has a large text box at the front.
There are a lot of people’s request for a KJV Bible. Why not? They are used by about 80% of the people who read the Bible each day. As a result, they are one of the most popular of all Bible study books. Many people ask how to choose the right one, which is why I have found this study guide to be the best choice.
In KJV Study Companion, the text of the New Testament is set in King James English. There are some footnotes included with the Bible Study Companion to help you learn more about the language. This is the first time you will be studying the language of the New Testament using the King James Version. There are many Bible study books that use the King James Bible.
Also included in this Bible Study Companion is the Greek New Testament. There are nine main Greek New Testament books. The books include the New Testament of the New Testament, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Solomon – Proverbs, Wisdom of Solomon – Ecclesiastes, Wisdom of Solomon – Isaiah, Wisdom of Solomon – Lamentations, Wisdom of Solomon – Jeremiah, Wisdom of Solomon – Daniel, Wisdom of Solomon – Ezra, Wisdom of Solomon- Nehemiah and Wisdom of Solomon – Esther. This means that you will be studying the language of the New Testament in more depth.
Another important thing to note is that this Bible Study Book is all new. The King James Version is no longer available. This is why so many people are looking for more of these Bible study books.
KJV Study Companion has the list of online resources that will help you with your Bible study. These include Bible Dictionary, Bible Study Guide, Grammar and Pronunciation Study, Video Training on Prayer, More Resources for Study, Bible Notes, and even more Bible Study Guides. There are even some special bonus links within the book that will help you further your studies.
This is not the last word for the study of the Bible. If you want to further your knowledge of the Bible, the best way to do that is to purchase the KJV Study Companion.