Author: webadmin
Why is the King James Version So Popular?
There is a study of the Bible that has long been preferred by many people. This is the King James Version of the Bible. Not only has this translation was followed for over four hundred years, but there is no denying that it is one of the best translations available today. When I first began …
God’s Favorites in the Classroom
The Bible is such a well known text that it seems to be the foundation of most religions around the world. We would love to learn more about our Creator. But sometimes it can be hard to decide which books are appropriate for school. We find ourselves feeling a great miracle when we find a …
Children Will Grow Into Young Adults With Christian Knowledge
Children Will Grow Into Young Adults With Christian Knowledge It is truly amazing how much more a little child has learned from listening to Bible KJV parents read to their children. It is so amazing that a child will be reading an English translation of the holy book of God and they will make sense …
The New Testament Bible and King James Version
When you think of the Bible, you often associate it with Protestant Christianity, particularly the Protestant Reformation. But did you know that the Bible has a whole lot more to offer the Church than what you are accustomed to? Here are some of the interesting elements of the Bible that give the Christian’s something to …
The Verses of the Bible
The BIBLE KJV translations are the most popular and widely used translations of the Bible. Most Christians know the translations that are available in English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and the Korean versions. If you would like to know more about these versions and how they can help you, continue reading. When we look at the …
Who Really Wrote the New Testament?
It is estimated that there are over two million copies of the New Testament. So why do we need a Bible, when all of those books and verses were not put together by one individual? Why do we need a Bible when it’s apparent to anyone with eyes that people copied the books they read …
Bible KJV – Translations of Holy Scripture
As a spiritual seeker I was introduced to the intriguing world of Bible KJV; one of the most popular religious translations of today. Having only read the New International Version (NIV) I was unfamiliar with the old, canonical translation KJV. We have many versions of holy scripture available for us, but the Bible KJV, and …
Study Bible With King James Version Review
There are many books that discuss the Bible, but few are as helpful as Bruce Metzger’s Bible Made Easy. Metzger is the publisher of various Christian publications. He was also the owner of one of the most influential Christian homeschooling books ever published. The book discusses the Bible from different perspectives and presents a complete …
The History Of The English Bible
Before Christ came to the earth, the ‘Holy’Book of KJV’, was written in Hebrew for use by Jews. Nowadays, the Holy Bible is in multiple languages and you can easily translate it to English from several sources including an online translation service. The basis of the Holy Bible is the Authorized Version, which has had …
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